Friday, 30 July 2010

Robin Wood Meeting

Committee members of Melbourne Civic Society and a local Ticknall resident met Alan Dowell and James Williams of the Forestry Commission at Woodside Farm to discuss the future of Robin Wood and access issues.

We were shown the recently cleared area and sections of the wood which had recovered after thinning out and the removal of conifers five years ago. The Forestry Commission, as well as removing conifers, was planting oaks and cherry trees. We were also given copies of the impressive 50 year development plan for the wood which describes how the wood will return to a mainly deciduous state (as it had been before World War Two). The habitats of raptors, owls and bats were also being protected. A tall dead tree has been left as a lookout post for raptors.

Mr Dowell assured us that access to the bridleway and footpath through the wood was protected and that they would both be better signed in the future. In all, a very positive morning's visit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've walked through Robin Wood a couple of times.

Even though I live on the edge of the Peak District, I've enjoyed walking in and around Melbourne and Ticknall etc. over the years.

Keep up the good work. It is appreciated.